A Tech Week in the Life

    Costumes: Melanie Mortimore Photo: Sarah Matlow     Tech week is what we theatre people refer to the week before a production opens.  Th...

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Facebook and the Rule of Thirds

    Something that I found interesting to learn about this week from our textbook was the rule of thirds.  It is all about finding balance, so the consumers aren’t bombarded constantly with promotional material.  Experts say that one third of the content that is published should promote the business, one third should be content coming from other businesses/prominent figures for your brand, and one third should be content that comes from personal interactions.  This is a really cool tip on navigating my own social media, since as an actor I am running myself like a business.  I have always been confused on how to use social media for myself, because I didn’t feel like I was worth advertising.  But using this rule, I don’t have to be constantly thinking about what I am going to post about myself, but rather spreading the wealth so it can be a well-rounded page. 

    It also goes on to give percentages of what type of content should be posted on Facebook.  I know Facebook is probably my least active profile in terms of posting so using these tips and tricks should help me as I prepare to enter the “real world” and need to be able to market myself online.

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