A Tech Week in the Life

    Costumes: Melanie Mortimore Photo: Sarah Matlow     Tech week is what we theatre people refer to the week before a production opens.  Th...

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Preparing for Snowmagedon

    If you didn't know, we are projected to get anywhere from 5-16 inches of snow.  This is the biggest snowstorm I have seen since my freshman year when temperatures got down to around -40 degrees with windchill and snowfall was massive!  When we found out that storm was coming, my best friend, Grace, and I were living in the Maglott Hall complex.  We went to the grocery store and stocked up on microwave meals so we didn't have to walk over to Mac.  We visited each other's dorms a few times, but I had just been injured so I didn't want to walk a lot during that time.  

    This time Grace and I are living in a house off campus together and we have a close knit little group of friends.  We have a kitchen and went to the store to stock up on real food.  We invited our best friends, Reagan and CJ over to spend the snowstorm with us! They brought so many snacks, we are going to bundle up, watch movies, talk, and just enjoy the time we have together.  Grace and I will be graduating in May and we will be going our separate ways.  Reagan has one more year after us and CJ is a freshman.  It is so hard to think about leaving this little community and having my life change so dramatically.  However, I am so excited to spend this next 24 with my best friends in the world!


  1. Yeah, I couldn't believe my eyes of how much snow we got here in Ada! I thought the snow was pretty to see. Also, that was a smart idea to stock up on food for the snow storm that was coming! It sounded like you and your friends had a lot of fun just hanging out together even though you were snowed in. But, I have a feeling that you and Grace are going to keep in touch even when you graduate this May also come back to ONU to visit your other friends on campus too!

    1. Oh definitely! Grace is pretty much stuck with me for the rest of her life! ;-)
