A Tech Week in the Life

    Costumes: Melanie Mortimore Photo: Sarah Matlow     Tech week is what we theatre people refer to the week before a production opens.  Th...

Thursday, January 27, 2022

TO DO: finding the perfect material (Performer edition)

     Finding material as an actor can be extremely challenging.  Of course, there have been thousands on thousands of plays, musicals, tv shows, and films created over the decades, so theoretically someone shouldn't have too hard a time trying to find something to work on.  But let me tell you, it is not that easy.  

    First, I have to decide what I am looking for. if I want a comedic piece or dramatic, classic or contemporary. Is it a song, scene, or monologue? When I figure that out I move onto the next step.  Most recently I was looking for a contemporary comedic monologue (a monologue is a grouping of text spoken by only one person, typically the scene partner doesn't exist).  I was looking for a new monologue to learn and use for my theatre capstone at the end of the semester.  

    The next step is to find material within the actor's age group and demographic.  I, as a white cis girl in her ears 20s, am looking at material written for women, more specifically white women, in my age group. I could go a little older or a little younger depending on the piece.  Now I could look for a male presenting monologue if being a man was not the a staple in the piece.  

Keep in mind that through all of this I am reading play after play trying to weed out the material that won't work for me while keeping in mind the material that does.  

    After narrowing down my specifications, I then have to find a monologue that fits who I am, tells a story, is good acting material, and (most importantly) one that I enjoy!  If I am really sarcastic, then I will relate to another character's sarcasm a lot better than dark or crude humor.  If I connect better, then it will read to my audience as more genuine and I will do a better job as an actor.  I can't try to force something I am not.  It will always feel disjointed and fake to my audience.  Luckily I was able to find a monologue that I am just crazy about, but it is so hard to balance the work I have to do as a student, as a human being, and as an actor.  

This process is incredibly simplified and can apply to any other material you want to find.  While the life if the artist can be taxing, finding that piece that fits makes it all feel worth it!

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